What you get from a 60 minute massage

Updated 3/29/23

For most people, money is the biggest obstacle to getting regular massage. There, I said it. We don’t like to talk about money, it’s supposed to be a private issue. But I’m addressing it head on. Regular massage is a considerable budget item, and it’s important to acknowledge that.

I know this because

  • I walk the walk and get regular massage.

  • if I don’t plan for it, massage doesn’t happen.

But if I expect you to jiggle the numbers and budget $80 for a massage every week, month, or quarter, it’s my job to tell you what you’re buying. So here it is, what you get from a 1 hour, $80 massage, at the office of Annalisa Derryberry, LMT (MA43061 MM30953).

Clarity in Pricing

What I charge is clearly listed here, and there’s no difference in pricing between the types of work I do, either.

A Full Hour

1 hour = 60 minutes. The clock doesn’t start until I walk in the room and actually begin the massage.

That’s not the case for every business. Many local massage chains and even some full service spas operate on a 50-minute hour. But in my office, 30, 60, and 90 minute treatments last at least as long as indicated. (Unless you’re late, then I may have to adjust accordingly.)

Ease of Scheduling

Scheduling tends to be the second biggest obstacle to getting regular massage. We never think of scheduling massage at a time that is actually convenient to call.

You can schedule with me online right here.  And if you don’t see a time that works for you, get in touch with some times you’re looking for and maybe I can make it work.

If you prefer, you can call me at 904-274-1584 to schedule. (We may need to play a bit of phone tag since I may need to call you back between clients.)


You get my full attention. For 1 hour, you are the superstar. You are the reason we’re in the room. Need silence? We can do that.

Want me to spend the full hour on your feet or head? Sure. Warm table? Fan pointed in your direction (or turned off instead)? Not a problem.

You get your own full attention. No phone. No demands. Just you.


I’ve had more than 15 years of practice and hundreds of hours of continuing education. They were all just prep for your massage. I know non-painful ways to assist a tight psoas, and how to give a deep massage without pain.

If lying flat is a problem, I’ve got tons of pillows to help you get a great massage on your side, and if getting up and down off the floor is an issue, we can do Thai massage on the table instead. We can even do a little Thai before your regular massage, if that might help loosen things first. We can improvise!

Clinical prudence

I won’t practice any techniques that are unsafe for you and your health condition. This is why you fill out a detailed health intake form when you first come in—it’s important to know if you’re on blood thinners or if you have cancer, for example, because certain types of massage could be contraindicated. And if I come down with the flu, I don’t want to give it to you, so I will contact you to reschedule (and hope you’ll do the same for me, should you get sick).

Proper licensing and insurance

There are plenty of massage therapists offering discounted massage, operating under the radar. They may not have a practitioner license. They probably don’t have an establishment license or insurance either. You can check all that here, and also report unlicensed activity. Did you know in FL, we are licensed under the Department of Health, and get inspected at least once a year? My MA (practitioner) and MM (establishment) numbers are displayed on virtually everything with my name and/or business address, and I also carry liability insurance through the American Massage Therapy Association.


A massage with me gets you connections with all the practitioners I know. And that’s a lot of people. If massage isn’t helping your tendonitis/backache/anxiety, I’ll help you find the right acupuncturist, chiropractor, or counselor for you.

High quality massage lotion

I only use the best products on your skin. I mainly use Pure Pro Hypoallergenic Massage Lotion. The lotion is one of my favorites because it is unscented, hypoallergenic, and paraben-free, plus it doesn’t leave you feeling all greased-up afterwards, and it washes off easily.

You get to support a small local business

It’s just me! No conglomerate. No fancy management structure or corporate set up. Just a little business owner, paying her taxes, making a living, and participating in the same communities she serves. There are fewer and fewer businesses that can stay afloat in an era of big box stores and chains. When you pay $80 for a massage, you can be certain that money is staying in the local economy.

All that, from a 60 minute massage.


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