What To Expect

Are you new to massage? Or maybe just curious what goes on during a massage session at my office? Well, you’ve come to the right place, because I’m going to outline what to expect, including specifics for both a traditional therapeutic massage on the table, and a Thai yoga massage.

(This is written assuming you are a new client to my office. You’ll only fill out an intake form before your visit, unless it’s been a while or your medical history changes.

  • Before you come in, you’ll receive an email and/or a text containing a link to a secure online intake form. This will ask about your health, any pertinent medical issues, and what your goals are for the session. Please fill it out and submit the form before your arrival.

  • I’ll greet you as you come in the front door into the shared waiting room, and we’ll head back to my office, offering you the chance to use the restroom.

  • You’ll be invited to have a seat and we’ll chat a little— reviewing your intake form, and discussing any issues or concerns. I might ask you to demonstrate where exactly the pain is located, or what movement causes the pain, or similar diagnostic questions.

If this is a table massage…

  • I’ll explain how the session will go and what areas I’m planning on working. I’ll also explain that you may tell me at any time during the massage whether you need the pressure adjusted, if you need another blanket (I also have socks available), if you feel like you need to pee, etc. Please say something, and I’ll do my best to accommodate. Remember, it’s your massage! I’ll also explain how to get on the table, where pillows should go, and whether you’ll be face-up, face-down, or on your side.prone neck massage

  • Next, I’ll explain that I’ll be leaving the room in a moment, and while I’m gone, to please undress to your level of comfort. It’s okay to be completely undressed (as you will always be covered with mandatory draping), but often people leave on their underwear/socks/pants/etc.

  • I’ll leave the room to wash my hands, while you undress and get on the table and cover yourself with the sheet.

  • I’ll knock before I come back into the room, and then I’ll enter and ask if you feel comfortable. We can adjust the pillows, the volume or type of music, and the face cradle, and then I’ll begin the massage. As the session proceeds, I’ll check in occasionally to see how the pressure feels. (If you’re holding your breath or tensed up, it’s too much pressure!)

  • Massage, massage, massage—it’s okay if you doze

  • When the massage is over, I’ll let you know, as I’m leaving the room, that you can take your time getting up. When you’re dressed and ready, you’ll open the door and let me come back in the room. You’re welcome to visit the restroom as well.

  • Finally, you’ll pay for the massage (if you haven’t already done so online), we’ll get you scheduled for your next appointment (you can save 10% off your next massage if you book before you leave!), and then I’ll send you off to have a great rest of the day!

If this is a Thai yoga massage…

  • You’ll already be wearing loose, comfortable clothing, or you’ll change into them.

  • I’ll listen to how you’re feeling, and will explain that in a Thai massage, the entire body is worked, but that I will make sure to pay attention to the areas with issues. We’ll either start with you lying on your back on the mat, or sitting upright in the center. It all depends on the situation. hurricane-kick

  • Please let me know if, at any time during the session, if you feel uncomfortable, or if you need to get up to pee. I know how miserable it is to try to relax with a full bladder. If you get cold, ask me for a pair of socks and/or a blanket.

  • Feel free to close your eyes, and breathe deeply and comfortably. I’ll be moving your arms and legs around, and you might find you want to help; it happens, but you don’t need to. The aim is to be floppy, in both body and mind.

  • You’ll be on your back, your side, the other side, stomach, and your back again. If you need a pillow, let me know. (If you’re pregnant, or have trouble lying flat, we’ll adjust with lots of pillows, and moms-to-be will never be on their stomach)

  • Massage, massage, stretch, stretch, breathe, breathe

  • I’ll let you know when the massage is finished, and as I leave the room, I’ll tell you to take your time getting up and then open the door and let me back in when you’re ready. Feel free to hit the restroom.

  • Finally, you’ll pay for the massage (if you haven’t already done so online), we’ll get you scheduled for your next appointment (you can save 10% off your next massage if you book before you leave!), and then I’ll send you off to have a great rest of the day!

I hope this has been helpful. If you feel like I’ve left something out, please let me know. If you want to go ahead and schedule a massage, or if you have any questions, give me a call at 904-274-1584!